We disclaim all liability for all materials on your site. 我们免除所有责任都在你们工地材料。
The MLAs and its affiliates, agents, officers and employees expressly disclaim any and all liability based, in whole or in part, on the Information, errors therein or omissions there from. 主要运作公司或其附属公司、代理机构、办公人员或职员明确宣布对该资料相关的全部或部分债务和其错误或遗漏等不承担责任俄语翻译。
The Company may disclaim liability in event of intentional omission on the part of the Insured or his representatives to fulfill the aforesaid obligations. 被保险人及其代表对上述规定的义务如故意不执行,本公司可不负赔偿责任。
Should, after the conclusion of the contract of insurance, there be any non-disclosure, concealment or misrepresentation by the insured of the material circumstances mentioned in the preceeding paragraph the insurer shall be entitled to rescind the contract of insurance or disclaim liability. 保险合同成立后,如果发现投保方对本条上款所述的主要危险情况不申报或者有隐瞒或者作错误的申报,保险方有权解除保险合同或者不负赔偿责任。